Unfortunately, 15,000 women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer in Turkey. The most important way to fight cancer is early diagnosis. With early diagnosis, thousands of cancer patients a year can be treated without progressing.

Mobil Saglik Tarama Araci


Elazığ Provincial Health Directorate, Mobile Health Screening Vehicle Trailer with the people of Elazığ plans to do a direct health screening. Mobile health screening vehicle trailer; with the special mammography machine in it, the scan is performed and then the report can be transmitted to the doctors. Health screening service can be offered directly to citizens by mobile cancer screening vehicle trailer, which will serve in cities or villages.



Mobil Saglik Tarama Araci 4


Bir önceki yazımız olan Turkey's First Mobile Culture and Education Vehicle Trailer Launches başlıklı makalemizde Mobile Education Vehicle Trailer hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir.